Saturday, June 30, 2012

Ritual Classification

When considering what sort of rituals the Takanir are engaging in, it is important to classify them as there are different kinds of rituals. The Takanir marriage ritual that was described in the previous blog appears to be an ideological ritual; a rite of intensification. The entire village participates in the production of food, all common spaces as well as homes are decorated, and very special accommodations are made for the bride and groom through the making of their marriage cart (for their ride around the village) as well as for their community-built home. These are example of group cohesion through shared values. The consumption of the usually-taboo meat, lighting of the religious dignitary fires, and the meshing together of the flags as a sign of past to present continuity are all intensifiers that make this ritual an ideological ritual as well as a rite of intensification.

The ritual the Takanir participate in annually to celebrate their government is most certainly a revitalization ritual. All villagers celebrate what it means to be Takanir for a three-day period, and all villagers collectively and joyfully dress up in jewelry, wear paint in honor of their dignitaries, and participate in Kiwqud (a special Takanir dance that has been known for thousands of years). There is chanting and singing of old Takanir songs in Yarewiq and the community preparation of food and beer. The incorporation of Takanir religion is evident socially because the Takanir flag is hung next to a flag of the Zebra god. This ritual creates unification and replenishes and revitalizes the community on what it means to be Takanir and the patriotic pride therein. It provides group cohesion and deep feelings of communitas.

The religious ritual held once a month for the Zebra god appears to be an exchange ritual. While this ritual does provide the Takanir with communitas and it does display a collective representation of Takanir culture and thought, this ritual is done to maintain connection with the Zebra god. The Takanir religious ritual is so significant that a specific time and place is designated; it is socially unacceptable (as well as offensive to the Zebra god) to participate in something else. If deaths occur, they are not revered separately, but incorporated, displaying ultimate necessity. The seemingly unorganized style of this religious ceremony is to allow Takanir to make known through individual Means their glorification and love for the Zebra god. The lack of a leader or shaman is necessary not to taint this individual Process of worship. In exchange for this individual worship and glorification, it is assumed that the Zebra god will Shed love and favor on his children. To not make these offerings could result in a breach in such favor, and the Zebra God may remove Himself from the Takanir because of their lack of appreciate and reverence towards him.

The Takanir birthing ritual would classify itself as a protective ritual. Unlike the other rituals listed in the present post, the Takanir birthing ritual is very structured. It is necessary That certain procedures are carried out to maintain the health of the child. The quiet public anticipation of news of the child’s safe birth outside the expecting house, the waiting of seven days for the child’s public presentation, the creating and presenting of toys, and the passing around of the child for prayers are all indicative of a protective ritual because they are all done to make sure the child properly comes into the world. To not give a gift to the child and to not participate in the prayer circle could result in illness for the child, or worse, the child may not accept Takanir faith. This protective birthing ritual is necessary for the child’s physical and cosmological introduction into the world.

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